Mechanobiology and remodelling

The link between tissue composition and architecture with the resulting tissue function and integrity requires a deep understanding of the communication between biological, mechanical, and structural components of the cells (8, 20) and tissues (1–3, 11, 19, 28, 32). This is true for both engineered (6) and native tissues (29). In this work, we explore native communication pathways and develop new approaches for manipulating these in repair (12, 18, 26) and reconstruction studies (24).


32. L. Nimeskern, L. Utomo, I. Lehtoviita, G. Fessel, J. G. Snedeker,  G. J.V.M van Osch, R. Müller, K. S. Stok, Tissue composition regulates  distinct viscoelastic responses in auricular and articular cartilage, J.  Biomech, 49(3):344-352, 2016.

29. L. Nimeskern, M. M. Pleumeekers, D. J. Pawson, W. L. M. Koevoet,  I. Lehtoviita, M. B. Soyka, C. Röösli, D. Holzmann, G. J. V. M. van  Osch, R. Müller and K. S. Stok. Mechanical and biochemical mapping of  human auricular cartilage for reliable assessment of tissue-engineered  constructs, J Biomech, 48(10): 1721–1729, 2015.

28. M. M. Pleumeekers, L. Nimeskern, W. L. M. Koevoet, M. Karperien,  K. S. Stok and G. J. V. M. van Osch. Cartilage regeneration in the head  and neck area: Combination of ear or nasal chondrocytes and mesenchymal  stem cells improves cartilage production, Plast Reconstr Surg, 136(6):  762e-74e, 2015.

26. N. M. Kogan, E. Melamed, E. Wasserman, B. Raphael, A. Breuer, K.  S. Stok, R. Sondergaard, A. V. Villarreal Escudero, S. Baraghithy, M.  Attar-Namdar, S. Friedlander-Barenboim, N. Mathavan, H. Isaksson, R.  Mechoulam, R. Müller, A. Bajayo, Y. Gabet and I. Bab, Cannabidiol, a  major non-psychotrophic cannabis constituent enhances fracture healing  and stimulates lysyl hydroxylase activity in osteoblasts, JBMR,  30(10):1905-1913, 2015.

24. H. Martínez Ávila, E. Feldmann, M. M. Pleumeekers, L. Nimeskern,  W. Kuo, W. C. de Jong, S. Schwarz, R. Müller, J. Hendriks, N. Rotter,  G.J.V.M. van Osch, K. S. Stok and P. Gatenholm, Novel bilayer bacterial  nanocellulose scaffold supports neocartilage formation in vitro and in  vivo. Biomaterials, 44:122-133, 2015.

20. M.M. Pleumeekers, L. Nimeskern, W.L.M. Koevoet, N. Kops, R.M.L.  Poublon, K. S. Stok, G.J.V.M. van Osch, The in vitro and in vivo  capacity of culture-expanded human cells from several sources  encapsulated in alginate to form cartilage. Eur. Cells. Mater,  27:265-280, 2014.

19. L. Nimeskern, G.J.V.M van Osch, R. Müller and K. S. Stok.  Quantitative evaluation of mechanical properties in tissue-engineered  auricular cartilage. Tissue Eng. Part B Rev., 20(1):17-27, 2014.

18. F. Rikhtegar, C. Wyss, K. S. Stok, D. Poulikakos, R. Müller and  V. Kurtcuoglu. Hemodynamics in coronary arteries with overlapping  stents. J. Biomech., 47(1):505-511, 2014.

12. F. Rikhtegar, F. Pacheco, C.Wyss, K. S. Stok, H. Ge, R. J. Choo,  A. Ferrari, R. Müller, D. Poulikakos, and V. Kurtcuoglu, Compound ex  vivo and in silico method for hemodynamic analysis of stented arteries,  PLoS One, 8(3):e58147,2013.

11. E. Schuh, S. Hofmann, K. S. Stok, H. Notbohm, R. Müller and N.  Rotter. The influence of matrix elasticity on chondrocyte behaviour in  3D. J. Tissue Eng. Regen. M., 6(10):e31-e42, 2012.

8. D. Loessner, K. S. Stok, M. P. Lutolf, D. W. Hutmacher, J. A.  Clements, S. C. Rizzi. Bioengineered 3D platform to explore cell–ECM  interactions and drug resistance of epithelial ovarian cancer cells,  Biomaterials, 31(32): 8494-8506, 2010.

6. K. S. Stok, S. Cristino, G. Lisignoli, A. Facchini and R. Müller.  Mechano-functional assessment of human mesenchymal stem cells grown in  three-dimensional hyaluronan-based scaffolds, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A,  93A(1):37-45, 2010.

3. K. S. Stok, and A. Oloyede. Conceptual fracture parameters for articular cartilage, Clinical Biomechanics, 22(6), 2007.

2. K. S. Stok, and A. Oloyede. A qualitative analysis of crack  propagation in articular cartilage at varying rates of tensile loading,  Connect Tissue Res, 44 (2), 2003.

1. K. S. Stok, and A. Oloyede. Dependence of the biomechanical  responses of the trabecular bone on density and strain-rate under  torsional loading, The Journal of Locomotor Systems, 7 (4), 2000.